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14 Simple Pool Games that aren't 'Marco Polo'

A refreshing shift from the classics, using stuff you already own.

Hunting / Diving Games

Find The Toothpick

The group outside the pool closes their eyes while one person jumps into the pool releasing the toothpick underwater (It’ll float to the top). Once released, they yell “Toothpick!” for the group to jump in. First to find it is the next person to release the toothpick.  

Ice Cube Hunt

Cheap toy to play with in the shallow water with the littles. Ask for some ice at Arches Grill. 

Scavenger Dive

Throw multiples of floating or sinking items in the pool – dive toys, coins, tub toys, etc. Each person has a list of things they need to scavenge first to win. Ex: A blue gem, 2 quarters, and a toothpick. Bonus points for whoever finds Mom’s lost keys.  

Find the Water Bottle

A clear, unlabeled plastic water bottle filled with water is surprisingly hard to find in the pool. A light-colored lid hides easier. Use a 2 or 3 liter for added effort. Same rules apply as “Find the Toothpick.”  

Team Games

Steal the Soggy Bacon

Good for a large group. One person is the caller, the rest split into two groups outside each side of the pool, facing away. Number each person. The caller calls out a number from each side and those two have to jump into the pool and find the water bottle (see above) first and make it back to their side without being tagged by the other person.  

Cannonball Charades

Take turns jumping into the pool acting out a clue before hitting the water. 

Underwater Charades

Everyone wears goggles and takes turns acting out a clue before catching a breath. Guessers guess once they surface.  


Circle up in a tight circle congo-line style. At the shout of “Whirlpool!” everyone moves in the same direction creating a whirpool effect. When you yell “Switch” try to reverse it and laugh at the results.  

Call Out

Kid outside pool takes a few steps and jumps into the pool. While they are going, the other team shouts out a question that the kid has to answer before they hit the water. “What’s 2×2?” “Favorite color!” “Name a cereal!” 


Toy Push

Get a tub toy, beach ball, floating object, etc. Whoever can get their toy to travel across the pool first without using their hands wins! 

Keep The Cotton Ball Dry

Keep your cotton ball dry the entire length of the pool without anyone sabotaging your victory.  

Balancing Contests

Who can balance the longest on a kickboard, boogie board, floatie, etc. 


One person with a noodle, the rest bobbing up and down in the water trying to take a breath without getting bopped. Time it and add up the points.  

Kickboard Battle

This is like the opposite of Tug-O-War, but calling it “Push-O-War” didn’t sound so friendly. One kickboard with two opponents on either side. Hands can’t leave the kickboard and feet can’t touch the bottom. Using only your legs to swim, who can push the opponent to the other end of the pool? 

The Classics

If you don’t know these classic pool games, just Google them or ask my Dad.

Categories, What time is it Mr. Fox, Red Light/Green Light, Sharks and Minnows, Marco Polo, Freeze Tag, Octopus, Cannonball Contest. 

Posted on 06/29/2021 in Uncategorized.