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Family Friendly Comedy Albums for your next Road Trip

This list will keep you laughing from Salt Lake City to St. George with no need to skip tracks for young ears. If you’ve gone through the Brian Regan and Jim Gaffigan tracks so much that you’ve memorized them, give these guys a shot.

Nate Bargatze – Full Time Magic & Yelled at by a Clown

Nate Bargatze is my most recommended comedian, so I gave you two of his albums. He gets himself into the most ridiculous situations. He’s self aware enough to know he’s “pretty dumb” (his words), but not smart enough to know what to do about it. That, combined with the fact that his dad is a literal clown makes for a lot of comedy ammo.

I don’t believe in science. It’s like uh, I don’t understand it, so it’s easier not to believe in it. I’ve read that they said like cockroaches are 350 million years old, and it’s like, “Are they? Or do you know that I don’t know how to figure that out?”

Nate Bargatze

Tommy Ryman – Having the Time of My Life

So nerdy and loveable.

I made it to the semi-finals in the Last Comic Standing…I watch a lot of Minnesota Sports, so I thought the Semi-Finals was as far as you could go. I thought I won Last Comic Standing for a long time.

Tommy Ryman

Kellen Erskine – Composed

Every time I hear him, I think, “What is even going on in your head? How are you not laughing at your own thoughts all the time?” He’s a straight faced comedian. His act seems like he’s just naturally amusing, so his friends made him get up in front of a crowd and voice his thoughts.

You know else is NOT stealing? Putting an extra bike lock on a stranger’s bike… You have any idea the amount of power you yield with your imagination and a bike lock? Like you could just walk past a Baskin Robbins and be like, “YOU’RE closed.”

Kevin Erskine

Michael Palascak – That One Thing

It’s like he should have narrated my life. It’s like we have the same thoughts, but his are from a funnier parallel universe.

I’ve never been accused of cheating on my parents. That’d be weird, I just come home late at night and my mom’s just been up crying, “Michael, WHERE have you been?! You smell like meatloaf. Have you been at the Thompson’s??”

Michael Palascak

Posted on 08/04/2021 in Uncategorized. entertainment, family, travel